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MGT3RPM Assessment Task 3 Individual Report

Assessment Task 3 – Individual Report

You are an HR professional helping to design a remuneration management program for one of the following scenarios.

Scenario 1: Erich’s Roofing, the eleventh largest roofing company in the world, is experiencing turnover problems with the employees who install roofs (i.e. the roofers). The General Manager has asked you to fix the problem. While your primary emphasis might be on having a competitive base pay, you need to decide if there is anything you can do in terms of incentives.

Scenario 2: World’s Best Tool Coating Company is a high-tech firm specializing in the coating of cutting tools (e.g., drill bits, cutting blades). These coatings lengthen the time before a tool needs to be re- sharpened. The company is concerned that its competition continues to develop new coating methods as well as new applications for the coating. It has asked you to help them develop a remuneration plan to create a work environment where its employees come up with more innovations and suggestions on where its coatings might be applied.

Scenario 3: Jane Humphries Associates (JHA) is a relatively small advertising firm in Melbourne. They recently shifted their strategic plan to focus almost exclusively on big clients who generate $200,000 or more annually in revenue for the firm. There are six employees in the firm who focus exclusively on business development, identifying new client prospects and making “pitches” to these prospects about ways that JHA can help them. While the payout for landing these prospects is high, averaging four times the revenue of the typical JHA client in the past, the likelihood of getting these new clients is considerably lower. In the past, the Development associates (as they are called) were paid heavily on incentive pay (4 percent of revenue generated by clients landed by the associate) along with a base pay that was 95 percent of the market rate for comparable jobs in Melbourne. It has asked you to advise them on how its remuneration plan might be changed to reflect the changes introduced in its new strategic plan.


Based on the topics covered this semester, write a report on the design of an appropriate remuneration management program for one of the scenarios listed above.

Choose only ONE of the scenarios above.

Also, please note that the report must be written independently and by you alone.

The required report needs to have an executive summary (not included in the word count), introduction, main body and conclusion.

The report should cover, but not be limited to, the following elements:

  1. Identify the internal and external environment, which might affect the organisation’s key performance requirements and key success
  2. Address key issues within the organisation relating to motivation (e.g. financial and non- financial incentives) and equity.
  3. Provide an assessment of other possible problems the organisation might face in the management of
  4. Suggest options for addressing these issues, identifying each option’s strengths and
  5. Discuss the implementation details of your preferred option, including what type of remuneration plan you would recommend.
  6. Provide You are required to use the Academy of Management referencing style. You must use at least six academic refereed journal articles.

Assessment Task 3 is due on Monday 19 October, 11.55pm. Extensions will ONLY be given in documented cases of severe illness or emergency, and will be managed through the University Special Consideration process. Such applications must be accompanied by documentation (i.e., doctor’s certificate). Special Considerations should be submitted no more than three days before the due date and no more than three days after the due date. Please contact your Tutor or the Subject Coordinator if you require further information.

Expert's Answer

Erich’s Roofing is the eleventh largest company in the world. The company is experiencing turnover issues in recent years with the main focus on increasing the pay scale so that people may not leave their department.

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