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Assessment Task 2 is Fermi Problem. In Strategic Management we are using the Fermi Problem to demonstrate quantitative numeracy skills. Students will, with limited data make effective, and approximate calculations to model the efficiency of an organisation. This is a synthetic study, and there is no right or wrong answer to the Fermi Problem, however some answers may be proven to be more detailed and accurate than others.
The purpose of Assessment Task 2 is to have students undertake a strategic analysis demonstrating quantitative literacy. Quantitative literacy is a required Graduate Capability for this subject.
Quantitative literacy will be assessed within the following sub-tasks:
1) Creation of a numeric dataset based on specific organizational activities;
2) Interpretation of that numeric dataset;
3) Creating a synthetic model showing calculations with the dataset as a basis;
4) Extrapolation and explanation of outcomes for the synthetic model.
The quantitative literacy assessment task requires at least five (5) in-text references from peer-reviewed academic journals to demonstrate engagement with the body of knowledge. These references are best drawn from research into the sector within which the organisation being modelled might be found.
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