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MGT501 Business Environment ASSESSMENT 1

Subject Code and Title MGT501 Business Environment
Assessment Part A: Initial Statement of Intent
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words
Learning Outcomes This assessments addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:

a)  Develop and apply a conceptual understanding of reflective practice in a business context.

b)  Critically evaluate economic principles and stakeholders viewpoints in business environments.

Submission 12 Week Delivery: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 2.2 (week 4)

Intensive Class: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 2 (week 2)

Weighting 25%
Total Marks 25 marks


Self-reflection is a way of assessing yourself and the way you work and study. Reflecting helps in developing your skills further and linking practice with theory. It is about analysing what you do and why you do it and applying what you have learned in the future. Reflective self-awareness leads to better leadership skills and performance. More importantly, an enhanced understanding of oneself also provides a solid basis for empathy and leading others.

In Assessment 1, Part A, the focus will be on you to reflect on the motivation for undertaking postgraduate studies and expectations regarding the course and ensuing career path.

Part B, which is due in module 6, requires you to revisit Part A and do a short video presentation on your learning experience and thinking, and how they might have evolved during the course of the subject.


Assessment 1; Part A is a statement of intent which should document your intentions regarding your studies at Torrens University and how they might help you develop professionally.

The purpose of this reflective assessment is to help you become aware of your thinking and how it can be used in describing, analysing and evaluating learning experiences.

  • How do you define business?
  • Why did you choose this course?
  • What kind of past experience (or interest) do you have in this area?
  • How has your experience (academic, work, ) prepared you for this course?
  • How do you ensure the required outcomes of your course are met?
  • What can you do to manage and monitor your studies to a successful conclusion?
  • As you think about the future, how might you apply your studies in later life?
  • What kind of goals would you like to set for yourself with regards to this course?

Your Assessment 1; Part A should also include a brief description of your initial understanding of Business Environment and Economic Principles.

In writing your reflective statement of intent, you should justify your choice of studies; identify how your studies relate to your own experiences and how you may apply your knowledge in the future.

Think carefully about your previous experiences and current expectations. Your statement should be clear and succinct showing that you have short-term and long-term goals and an understanding of what you want to do with your degree.

Please Note:

Your statement of intent is a reflexive writing piece, to be presented in the first person (I, Me, My, Mine) and should be written in accordance with the following:

  • You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and your (e.g. “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact on

my……...and it helped me to understand my......... ”).

  • Try to be as specific as possible, use brief examples to illustrate your points and select examples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the
  • All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing, acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of

Submission Instructions:

Submit Assessment 1 Part A: Initial Statement of Intent in the submission link in the main navigation menu in MGT501 Business Environment by the end of Module 2.2 (week 4).

Intensive Class: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2 (week 2).

A rubric will be attached to the assessment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Expert's Answer

In my view, business is something which involve selling of products and services to customers and make profit out of it. Some businesses simply run on the principle of making clear profit, like retail stores, service providing companies and restaurants.

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