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MGT5MPT Management Practice and Theory Assignment 1

Assignment #1

These notes Do Not replace the detailed requirements and notes contained in the Subject Learning Guide, and elsewhere on the subject’s LMS Moodle site.

•        The Meaning of Effectiveness

  • A reflective essay

•        Due: 11.55pm 16 August – 20%

  • Length: 1,000 words

•        Format: Written Essay

  • Lodgement: Electronic Lodgement
    • Do not send your assignment to your lecturer
    • Check lodgement requirements
      • As they actually are, not as you might wish them to

•        Think about an organisation that you have had a significant interaction with

  • g. A workplace, university, hospital, service provider

•        Do not invent a scenario with an organisation

  • Be specific – when did the interaction occur?
  • Don’t manufacture a situation from information in the

public domain

  • Examiners know how to web surf also!

•        Questions to Answer in your Essay

  • What is the purpose of the organisation?
  • What is the scope of its operations?
  • Effectiveness
    • From your perspective what criteria would use to evaluate the effectiveness of the

– Justify your selection of the criteria

•        If you’re unsure about the Essay, check with your


  • This Essay is about quality writing, not quantity
  • Give yourself time to consider your writing
  • Stakeholders
    • Consider the criteria that two other stakeholder groups of the organisation might use to evaluate its
  • Stakeholder Groups (examples)
    • Employees
    • Government
    • Community
    • Creditors
    • Customers
    • Owners
    • Suppliers
  • Analysis of Effectiveness

•      What do you conclude from this analysis

  • The effectiveness from the perspective of the different stakeholders?

•      What are the implications for the development of a coherent approach to organisational effectiveness

  • Synthesis of your findings
  • Your perceptions of the term ‘effective’
    • Experiences, ideas and observations that you have had in response to the ideas that you have explored
  • What you found confusing, interesting, difficult or inspiring
    • Why?
  • Any unanswered questions that you may have
    • What might the literature say?
  • Comparisons and connections between what you are learning and your experiences/pre-conceptions
    • How new ideas challenge what you already know
    • Your speculations or hypothesis

•       A reflective essay allows you to use different modes of writing and language, including:

•      Descriptive

  • Outlining what something is or how it is done

•      Explanatory

  • Explaining the why or how

•      Expressive

  • I think or I believe
  • Phase 1 (pre-writing)

•      Analyse, Anticipate, Adapt;

  • To ensure the approach meets the purpose
  • Phase 2 (writing)

•      Research, Organise, Compose;

  • Shape to write your message
  • Phase 3 (editing)
    • Revise, Proofread, Evaluate the document
  • It is expected that Masters level students will engage with the contemporary literature and demonstrate evidence of this
    • For every 500 words, it is expected a minimum of three (3) different references apart from the subject textbook taken from peer reviewed journals.
    • A submission with fewer than this number of references, while it may not fail against the rubric (marking criteria) it will not excel in the criterion referring to the

Expert's Answer

The chosen project for this essay is the Vision Initiative which is a Victorian government-funded project which is operated and managed by Australia Vision 2020 (Vision Initiative, 2015). The project is focused on preventable blindness and vision loss in the Victorian community the project came into inception focused on a stat that In Australia if diagnosed early, 90% vision loss

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