MKT3SMK Assignment 1: Report Individual Assignment

Your task is to prepare a Strategic Marketing Report for an existing Free-to-Air Television Broadcaster as it adjusts to an increasingly challenging and competitive marketing landscape.

You should undertake your own external research on the company and competitors (NB not just other free-to-air television broadcast companies). You will then need to develop a problems and opportunities statement for the company as the basis for a 5-year strategic marketing plan that could be presented to the board/owners of the company. Note who your audience is – they already understand the company and have a high level of understanding of business concepts.


  1. Title Page: (not included in the word limit) Includes title, your name and student number, subject details, tutor’s name, date submitted and the actualnumber of words
  2. Executive Summary (not included in the word limit, maximum of half a page.)

An executive summary provides an overview of a document and is usually the first            thing the reader will see. Your Executive Summary should state the problem being    analysed and the method of solving the problem. Conclusions and recommendations      are then given brief synopsis. Do not show too much detail. Don’t include any                       references.

  1. Table of Contents (not included in the word limit).

A list of information in the report with page numbers, plus a list of any images, diagrams and charts etc.

Your TOC should be clearly set out showing section headings and page numbers. This          needs to look good and be easy to quickly read. Draw a dotted line from the section                to the page number. You do not need to use the word “page” – it is understood that the number refers to the page number of the document. Eg.-

  1. Situation Analysis – External ................................ 5
  2. Introduction/Background

Purpose of the report (who are you writing the report for and why?) Any basic                        background information relating to the report. What areas will you cover in this                                report (structure)?

Background needs to be presented professionally with relevant detail about the                     company, its history and key areas of operation and performance. Include detail of           any marketing or financial data. Use tables and/or graphs as appropriate. Current                       vision, mission and marketing aims (as appropriate) should be shown. Summarise                     with an informative narrative. Do not rewrite the Executive Summary!

  1. Situation Analysis – External

This section should demonstrate the ability to undertake background research and               data collection on the current market, industry, competitors and demand for your           company/brand. Your narrative explaining your findings should provide a critical                    analysis of the data and include coverage of the key up-to-date elements of the                               external environment.

  1. Situation Analysis – Internal

This section should demonstrate the ability to undertake research and data collection         on the internal factors affecting the specific brand. Your narrative explaining your                                findings should provide a critical analysis of the data and include coverage of the key            up-to-date elements of the internal environment.

  1. Problems and opportunities

Based on your research and exploration of the data, report on the problems and                    opportunities you have identified. Number these. Explain each with sufficient detail             so that the audience obtains a clear idea of the issue. You should report 2-3 key items                for each problem and each opportunity.

  1. Recommendations (OR in position 5)

Based on the analysis undertaken you are required to propose a number of                               recommendations (3-5). These will be drawn from the analysis you have undertaken.          You are expected to write a compelling/persuasive case for their adoption that is well          supported by the previous sections of your report. The recommendations should be      numbered, achievable, realistic and provide the audience with clear guidelines on                        what would be required for their implementation.

  1. Conclusions

Recap the purpose of the report, what you did, and your key findings. 

  1. Reference list: (not included in the word limit)
  1. Appendices (if applicable, not included in the word limit)

WORD COUNT: Strictly adhere to the word limit of 2000 words (+/- 10%).

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