MKT4801 Global Marketing Management : Market Analysis Report

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MKT4801 Assessment 1: Market Analysis Report: Individual Report

You will prepare a market analysis report presenting the findings and interpretation of research into the marketing environment of a given organization and its impact on the marketing mix (Learning outcomes 01, 03, 06 and 07).
Further details (including instructions for assessment submission) appertaining to this particular piece of coursework.

1. Please ensure that the assignment you submit is your original work and that all quotations and sources of
information are acknowledged by appropriate in-text citations and in the Table of References at the end, including company and/or Internet sources.
2. You can use your own company as the “given organisation" for this assignment. If this is not possible, or not desirable, you can propose to use another company but it must be agreed with your tutor beforehand.
3. The report should focus on external and internal marketing environment.
4. The report should be in three parts: analysis of the external marketing environment, analysis of the internal marketing environment, and evaluation what impact it has had on the marketing mix.
5. It is acceptable to focus on some elements of the marketing mix rather than all of the elements as long as it can be justified (for instance, for some service-oriented companies it might be justifiable to focus upon product, price, promotion, people, process and physical evidence but not upon place). If in doubt, seek guidance from your tutor.
6. You are expected to use marketing-related theories, concepts, models and/or frameworks you have encountered in your studies up to this point. The report has an academic purpose as well and must reflect your learning. Please remember to reference your sources (even for well-known and frequently-used models etc.).
7. Use a formal report structure with table of contents, page and section numbers, labels and titles for diagrams and tables, etc.
8. Use appendices for supporting information that is not needed in the analysis (for example, lists/descriptions of products/services, if provided at all). can be given to you as the module progresses.

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