MMS715 – Sport Promotions and Public Relations – Assignment 1 Role Allocation
- Section 1 should contain an introduction including the specific aim of your plan. A concise situation analysis for the subject team/organisation (market and product/service analysis) including a critical review of any past promotion or communications is recommended. This section should conclude with an overall marketing related aim as well as a set of specific promotional objectives linked to organisational success (10 marks)
- Business Case and Aim
- Overarching Ambition
- Product / Competitor Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
- Market / Consumer Analysis – Segmentation
- Promotional Plan Objectives
- Section 2 should develop an analysis of the promotional or IMC avenues available and justification of the three (3) chosen elements. A detailed description of how the tools will be used or executed, including their messages should be included* (10 marks)
- Promotional Plan
- IMC Element Breakdown and Evaluation
- IMC Application within Promotional Plan pertaining to the situation
- Outline of how IMC elements will work in synergy to achieve marketing aim
- Section 3 should cover and present the actions required by the organisation and note how components are both integrated and measured (i.e. needs to include budget and timeline). This section should be sufficient in operational detail for your organisation to be able to take your plan 'to market' (10 marks)
- Action Plan and Timeline
- Integration
- Budget
- Measurement Tools
- Section 4 The presentation aspect is likely to be a little different from past presentations you may have undertake, so consider this carefully. Rather than just focus on your plan, the presentation should be set up in two sections;
Part 1 (no more than 5 minutes) should contain an overview of your background and plan, including your objectives, three chosen integrated elements and an overview of what the plan will result in should it be implemented.
- Background and Overview
- IMC Promotional Plan and Implementation
- Part 2 should focus on the IMC process undertaken and specificially the approach of your team. Here, you should describe the steps and research you undertook in your planning, and also describe the way your group worked to achieve this task. As guidance, we are looking for you to demonstrate some critical reflections on a) the IMC process taken and b) the effectiveness of your team on this task.
- Research steps undertaken in planning
- Critical reflections on IMC process and effectiveness of team
- Other Requirements
- Overall final proof to ensure flow across sections
- Compiling of final reference list
- Presentation

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