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Project Management Reflection
To work in a team, sometimes can be very challenging, especially when the team members are fairly new and don’t have much experience of working in groups. My experience of working in a team was pretty much the same, as I had both positive and negative experiences. The main essence of working in team, for this project management task, consisted of analysing the strengths and weaknesses of other members who were part of the group. For the success of any group project depends on various steps, the forming of group, allocating of tasks and most importantly having effective communication. I will be discussing all these aspect through this essay, on how the group formed, how the roles were distributed and what challenges we faced.
During our first group meeting, our individual tasks were to select the parts of this group project, who’s going to work on which part. With mutual consent and understanding, all the group members were allocated different parts of the project, and I was assigned to work on Change Management, Stakeholder Identification and Project Closure. Initially I was a bit concerned about, how I am going to work, where will I start it from and how the whole work going to be aligned. Well, the communication among the team members was really effective and its because of their support, I started feeling a bit comfortable and eventually started.
For every project, regardless of its size and nature, changes are very likely to take place. Changes could be of any nature; it can be in the form of changing the dates, changing of team members and so on. However, what’s most important is, is to be able to manage that change. Talking from the perspective of this very project, we were working on; it required renovations of the house on regular basis. With the tourist demands of house, various changes were required from time to time. In order to manage change, a lot of planning was supposed to be done in advance. What resources will be required, who will be responsible of what roles and so on (Aliverdi. R, Naeni. M & Salehipour, A. 2013).
Project management, help organizations to set its goals and other objectives efficiently, however in situations where organizations fail to carry out their projects because of not having clear goals, end up in failures. Based on this analysis, it was important not only for me but for all the group members to set clear goals with specific dates. What needs to be done by whom and by when, only based on this the group would be able to achieve its targets. Organizations are encouraged to set SMART goals, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. As stated by Chih and Zwikael (2015), the main purpose of preparing smart goals is to ensure project success within the allocated time and budget.
Its no secret that stakeholders are the people who are directly and indirectly associated with the project. The success or failure of the projects has direct impact on stakeholders. Maintaining strong relation with stakeholders and having open communication is one challenging task, as not every thing needs to be disclosed to all the stakeholders. Things can go wrong, while working in-group, and it may affect the overall performance of the project, but this clearly doesn’t mean that this needs to be communicated to all the stakeholders. Based on my role for this group project and the areas I covered, I realised that stakeholders are very important in any project. I also analysed that project management as a whole, is a very complex process that requires you to follow strict standards that are measures in actions. As for this very reason, it leaves no space for creativity and at the same time it also discourages innovation, that itself can be beneficial for the project (Sage, Dainty and Brookes, 2014).
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