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Adams, R. (2019, February 14). Headteachers in a bind as pupils prepare to go on UK climate strike. Retrieved from The Guardian:

The news article reviews the increasing number of student protests against the climate change in the United Kingdom. It has been anticipated that around 8 million students will skip their classes in the country and not show up to schools to become a part of these protests. On the flip-side of the coin, some teachers are also joining the rallies and encouraging the school leaders to accommodate the students to make these student protests a “teachable moment.” The union, however, stood firmly against the student strikes against climate change contending that the presence of the pupils during the term is indispensable. 

Bawden, T. (2016, February 22). Sea levels ‘could rise by more than a metre’ if global warming is not tackled, says new study. Retrieved from Independent:

The article reviews the anticipated accentuation in the sea level by 2100. The news reporter argues that global warming may cause the sea levels to gush by more than a meter unless certain measures are taken to tackle the issue. The sea level has been rising at the fastest pace for more than 2,700 years. As per the researchers, surge in the sea level can be explained by the unstoppable wave of global warming. Relative to those of the past century, the sea levels have risen by up to 14 cm. It is particularly because of the increasing sea levels that the islands have now gotten more close to the sea. If the situation continues to remain the same, the sea level is expected to rise to up to 60 cm by 2100. As per the report of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, if significant measures are not taken to tackle global warming, there is a high likelihood that the sea levels may jump up to 130 cm in the present century. 

Euronews. (2019, February 14). Belgium Student Climate Change Protests - Act VI. Retrieved from Euronews:

The news article is based on the student protests in Belgium against global warming. Students seem to have been bunking school and come out onto the roads for the 6th week in line to protest against global warming. Around 35,000 Belgian students did not show up for their regular classes to call out to the government for suitable actions against the global warming. The reporters also suggest that the number of student protests and participants keep on increasing with the increasing number of protests. It has been reported that the student protests have now stretched onto other countries across the world. The students interviewed during the protests claimed that people must become more mindful of the worsening climatic conditions, and must also realise that a difference can still be made. The news article implies the significance of unity to deal with the problem of global warming. The protests in Belgium were led by the students, and it is particularly because of their unity regarding the matter that the issue of global warming is likely to be tackled by the government.

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