NRSG375 Clinical Leadership


Online forum discussion of 3 original posts to set forum topics and 1 response post to a peer’s post(s) to be posted to the discussion forums prior to 7th of September 2022. Your total posts (3+1) are required to be submitted on the LEO campus tile via Turnitin before the due date and time. All posts originated by you and your response posts must also be screen shot and attached to the submission to Turnitin.

Due date:                              a) All posts (4 in total) must be posted to the discussion forums prior to

Thursday 15th of September 2022, 1600hrs (4pm)

  1. b) All Posts (4 in total) to be submitted before Thursday 22nd of September 2022 at 1600hrs hours via the Turnitin dropbox in the NRSG375 LEO site as a screen shot in a word or pdf

Weighting:                            15%

Length and/or format: This assessment is composed of Three Original Posts and One Response Post (total 4 posts). You will write a post to address the set topic for each of the 3 forums. You are required to engage in the discussion by posting an original post to the topic/questions for forum 1 (topic from modules 1 & 2); forum 2 (topic from modules 3 & 4); and forum 3 (topic from modules 5 &6). You will also write a (one) response (post) to another students’ original post on the set topic from any of the 3 forums.

Assessment Task-Topics:

Forum 1 (Post 1). Clinical leadership is not an important consideration as I am about to graduate as a novice RN. My focus is really about increasing my confidence and improve my clinical skills to be a competent clinician in my first year as a graduate RN. Critically reflect and discuss in your first online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 1 & 2. (LO2)

Forum 2 (Post 2). Autonomy and accountability are integral to nursing as a profession. How do these professional expectations relate to leadership qualities required for the RNs safe practice? Critically reflect and discuss this for your second online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 3 & 4. (LO4).

Forum 3 (Post 3). As a graduate RN in what way(s) am I expected to contribute to positive change and innovation in the health care environment? Critically reflect and discuss this for your third online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 5 & 6. (LO5)

Response Post to Forums: You will also respond to one of the discussion forums (your choice) to a post made by a peer(s).

Each of your original posts has a word limit of 200 words and your response post has a word limit of 150 words (+/- 10%). Your original posts and your response post are required to be completed and posted to the forums by the due date(s) please see (a) and (b). All posts (3+1) must then be submitted as one collated word document to enable the provision of feedback to the Turnitin dropbox. Your submission needs to be in one word document of your original posts and response post including references; AND you will also need to submit screenshot evidence of all your forum posts in their entirety as a part of the document submitted to Turnitin by the due date. 750 words in total [3+1 posts] +/- 10%)

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