NRSG375 Clinical Leadership - Assignment Help

Assessment Task 1: Reflection Assignment (via an oral digital format)/Audio visual presentation

You are required to design and produce a 5 minute (+/-10%) audio visual presentation which relates to a clinical leadership and submit the assessment in the format of a narrated PowerPoint presentation. You may wish to follow the format of the mini lecture recordings made by Dr David Stanley which you can find in online module 2 for your narrated PowerPoint (ppt) presentation. The idea is that you will speak to power point slides relating to the issue of interest. Please ensure that you use a minimum of 18 font for each of the ppt slides and that you break up dense text. You will need to write a script to speak to, for your narrations for each of the slide, it is important that you not simply read from the text of each slide. You need to include this text in the notes section of the slide, but it is not marked.

This assessment task requires you to reflect upon your personal experiences where a nurse clinician displayed leadership qualities or not (eg communication, delegation, advocacy, motivating and inspiring attributes). Explore this through applying relevant leadership theory and support from contemporary literature (references for which are required to be cited intext on the slide and in a reference list in accordance with APA 7 referencing conventions recommended in the unit outline). You should identify someone (Buddy nurse, CNS, ANUM, NUM, Clinical Educator) you have noticed on clinical placement who has displayed qualities consistent with the clinical leadership attributes that you have chosen. Online module 1 presents a comprehensive exploration of the topic of clinical leadership and the related literature, to which you should refer when deciding on the issue you choose to pursue for this assessment task.

You will need to explore what qualities/attributes/characteristics of clinical leadership were evident in the example you have identified and how you observed these qualities displayed by the person you have chosen to reflect upon for this assessment task. You will need to support the concepts relating to clinical leadership by applying leadership theory that is related to your example and with evidence from the contemporary literature.

The narrated PowerPoint should be no more than 12 slides (including 1 for Introduction and 1 for References), and no more than 5 minutes of narration. Please note the entire submitted file of your assessment task cannot be larger than 100mb or it will not be able to be successfully submitted into the designated Turnitin assignment dropbox in the assessment folder of your campus tile. Should you wish to embed images or videos this will increase the size of the submitted power point presentation, the file for which cannot exceed 100mb.

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