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NSB303 Partnerships in Health and Illness Assessment 1

Assessment Task 1. 

Assessment name: Supplementary Assessment.
Task description: Select one of the scenarios from Assessment 2, that you did not use in your Assessment 2 paper, then respond to these tasks below. Be sure that your responses are from the perspective of the person/s in the scenario. This paper requires an introduction and a conclusion.

Part A.

Explain what tertiary prevention interventions the nurse could implement to address the person in the scenario’s physical, psychological and/or social disability.

Part B.

Critically discuss the nurse’s responsibilities before referring the person in the scenario to another health care professional.

What you need to do to prepare: This is an individual piece of assessment. Preparation should include:

·         Select a scenario (from either Joshua, Abbey, Sylvia or Ron) that you did not select for Assessment 2. If you use the same scenario your paper will not be graded as you will not have met the expectations of this paper.

·         Read the TASK instructions carefully and highlight key words.

·         Refer to the learning resources in the NSB303 Blackboard site as a starting point to understand the key words.

·         Search the library data base to expand your knowledge and understanding.

Length: Essay – 1000 words.+/- 10%. Word length includes in-text referencing but excludes

your reference list. No direct quotes. Please note markers will not mark beyond the word limit.

Estimate time to complete: 10 - 15 hours
Weighting: Supplementary Assessment
How will I be assessed: 4 point grading scale. You will be notified of your grade. If it is a passing grade ie. 4 grade, then you will be recorded with a Grade of 4, if it is not then you will revert to your previous 3 grade. Please note as a supplementary piece of assessment, there will be no feedback provided to you.
Due Date: Monday 20th July 11.59pm via Turnitin in the Supplementary assessment portal, unless another arrangement is made with the unit coordinator. Submit as a word doc.
Presentation Requirements. Your assignment should be written in QUT CiteWrite APA style and prepared as follows:

·         Make your own cover sheet with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor name and word count.

·         Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number.

·         2 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text, portrait orientation.

·         Use font, such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri; font size 12

·         CiteWrite APA style referencing. Note it is a requirement that you include page numbers for all in-text references (see

·         This is a contemporary paper, and unless you are referring to a historical event, literature and resources need to be within 7 years of age

·         Literature must be of highest possible quality, with peer reviewed research- based material as the preference.

·         Textbooks may be used but to a maximum of 25% of your total reference list.

·         Legitimate websites such as the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia or the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare may be used also.


Reference Recommendations. ·         As a 3rd year academic unit, there will be no recommendations as to the minimum number of references to be used in your academic writing.

·         To give your paper authority, validity and accuracy, you need to always show the source of your evidence.

·         Please note that unreferenced material cannot be accepted as factual or credible.

Learning Outcomes. 1.  Analyse the nurse's role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs.

2.  Critically analyse individual, community, environmental and social factors that influence health beliefs and practice and strategies for promoting positive health behaviours.

3.  Evaluate and apply evidence-based models of health behaviour change, health education, self-management support, and partnerships in health care as relevant to the promotion of health and wellness and rehabilitation of individuals and


What you need to submit: One Word document that contains the following items:

The assignment cover sheet; Essay with References attached.

Resources available to assist you to complete the task: ·         Support for Learning on the Blackboard site

·         HiQ and the library resources.

·         Learning resources on the Blackboard site.

·         QUT Cite|Write APA guide.

·         Turnitin Tip Sheets.

Academic Integrity

The School of Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously. All work submitted must be your own work. The work of others needs to be correctly acknowledged and referenced according to the APA guidelines.

There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to breach academic integrity. Make sure you are familiar with the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity and view the Academic Integrity video and explore the Academic Case Studies available on your  Blackboard site.

Maintaining academic integrity is your responsibility. If in doubt, check it carefully.

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