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Online Help on NSG3NRC Portfolio
Word limit: 2500 words +/- 10% (NSG3NRC-Nursing) and
1500 words +/- 10% (NSG3NMP- Nursing and Midwifery)
A Portfolio is more than a collection of documents, certificates, photographs. It takes its shape as a professional portfolio through the reflections and connections that are built by the portfolio author or developer.
Connections are the links between the actual experiences, practices, thoughts and ideas, and the relevant or necessary frameworks, standards, tools or expectations of the individual nurse or midwife and their profession.
These connections are created and described by the individual portfolio author most commonly through reflective thinking and analysis.
The frameworks, standards, tools or expectations that might shape a portfolio could be standards for registration, practice or education; specialty, competency or continuing professional development standards as endorsed in Australia by the National Boards that are part of the National Registration Accreditation Scheme (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2015); or even national safety and quality standards (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2012).
For you as a student in this subject, the framework guiding the structure of your portfolio is directed by the requirements of this subject. These requirements are based on the ILOs for the subject and underpin all the learning and assessment requirements for the subject and for your portfolio activity.
Subject Intended Learning outcomes
The following learning outcomes will be addressed in this enquiry:
ILO | Enabling Outcomes |
1 | Design, plan and execute nursing care that is effective and efficient |
2 | Critically evaluate nursing practice – includes reflecting on personal clinical practice performance |
3 | Analyse, assess and recommend nursing practice improvement opportunities based on contemporary research. |
Classroom based lab Preparation
In preparation for this classroom-based simulation, students are expected to revise content presented in:
- module 1 – Introduction to Critical Reflective Thinking
- module 4 – Reflective Practice, Transforming Practice
- module 5 – Innovation and Change Agency
- Locate Assessment 2 template under Assessment 2 in
Pre-Classroom lab session please complete Portfolio PowerPoint
Access Module 1 on the LMS subject site.
Open PowerPoint in Module 1 “Portfolio Lecture” and watch the small video attached to each PowerPoint.
Attend the LC1 session: Developing your professional portfolio – please note, your portfolio will be commenced in this classroom-based lab.
More information about Reflective writing
Getting Started on Assessment 2
Assessment 2 Template on self -reflection on NSG3RDP/RDM
The aim of this section is to help you reflect on your most recent clinical placements NSG3RDP/RDM. The mapping exercise that you are required to complete for this section will help you explore how your professional knowledge and clinical practice have developed over the past 18 months of the course. It will also help you identify the areas that you may still be struggling with and need to further develop before you start your career as a Registered Nurse/Midwife.
Your need to complete
- For Nursing, you need to complete all seven standards (2500 words +/- 10%).
- For Midwifery, you need to complete any four standards (1500 words +/- 10%).
- Allocate 15 -20 minutes for students to go through the examples for NSG3RDP/RDM (this example is available in your Assessment 2 Folder)
- From each standard, you need to choose 2-3 sub standards with one-two examples using the Gibbs Reflective cycle of a clinical event (Gibbs Reflective cycle on the next page).
- If you need to include references, refer to some literature or policies, and add a reference list at the end of the template (any references are fine; no marks for referencing).
These are just hints for your assessment.
Standard 1: Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice
- Accesses, analyses, and uses research, and the best available evidence for safe quality practice.
- Respects peoples’ culture and experiences
- Person-centred and evidence-based practice, which includes recognising the role of family and community that underpin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and health
- Considers legislation and common law policies.
- Guidelines relevant to the context of practice when making decisions.
- Appropriately maintains records and accurately.
- comprehensively documents assessment, planning, decision-making, actions and evaluations in a timely manner.
- Contributes to research and quality improvement.
Standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships
- Establishes, sustains and concludes therapeutic relationships.
- Respectful and acknowledges the dignity, culture, values and beliefs and rights of a person.
- Recognises that people are the experts in the experience of their life.
- Communicates respectfully and effectively with people.
- Resources and supports people in optimising and making health related decisions.
- Advocates on behalf of people and their rights.
- Establishes and maintains appropriate professional relationships including delegation, supervision, consultation and referrals to achieve improved health outcomes.
- Actively fosters a culture of safety and learning.
- Participates in and/ or leads collaborative practice.
Standard 3: Maintains fitness to practise and participates in lifelong learning
- Considers and responds in a timely manner to the health and wellbeing of self and others in relation to fitness for practice
- Provides information to people to enhance their control over health care and facilitate informed consent
- To a person’s educational needs to enhance health and wellbeing
- Takes a lifelong learning approach to the continuing development of self and others
- Actively engages with the profession.
- Completes continuing professional development
- Identifies and promotes the integral role of nursing and its profession in influencing better health outcomes for people
- Seeks and responds to practice review and feedback.
- Accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role, and for the actions of others to whom they have delegated responsibilities.
Standard 4: Comprehensively conducts assessments
- Conducts assessments that are comprehensive, systematic and holistic as well as culturally appropriate
- Uses a range of assessment techniques to collect relevant and accurate information and data to inform practice.
- Works with people to determine factors that affect or potentially affect the health and well-being of people, families, communities, and/ or populations and determines priorities for action and/ or for referral
- Establishes the need for nursing action and/ or the need for referral.
- Assesses the available resources to address the need and plans accordingly.
Standard 5: Develops a plan for nursing practice
- Uses assessment data and best available evidence to develop a plan.
- Co-constructs nursing practice plans until priorities, goals, actions, outcomes and timeframes are agreed with the relevant persons.
- Documents, evaluates and modifies plans to facilitate the agreed outcomes.
- Plans how practice will be evaluated and the time frame of engagement.
- Coordinates resources effectively and efficiently for planned actions.
Standard 6: Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice
- Provides comprehensive safe, quality nursing practice to achieve agreed goals and outcomes.
- Practises within their scope of practice.
- Appropriately delegates aspects of practice to enrolled nurses according to the enrolled nurse’s scope of practice and/ or others according to their clinical or non-clinical roles.
- Provides effective timely direction and supervision to ensure that delegated practice is provided safely and correctly.
- Practises in accordance with relevant nursing and health guidelines, standards, regulations and legislation
- Reports and raises concerns where own or others’ practice may be below expected standards, errors have occurred and there is potential for harm.
Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice
- Evaluates and monitors progress towards expected goals and outcomes with people based on agreed priorities.
- Revises practice plan as needed and determines further priorities and goals with people as indicated.