NUR359 Transition to Registered Nurse - Case Study Assignment Help

For each case study topic on the NUR359 LMS page, you will find:

  • The appropriate chapter from your textbook:

Chang, E., & Daly, J. (Eds.). (2020). Transitions in Nursing: Preparing for Professional Practice (5th ed.). Chatswood: Elsevier. ISBN 9780729543040.

  • Case studies for you to choose with questions to answer (choose only ONE case study for any particular topic)

You need to read the relevant chapter and are encouraged to search for and find further readings to enhance your understanding of the topic/s. You should then answer the questions with your chosen case study.

  • Discussion

The word limit for this assessment is 500 words per case study (+/- 10%).This should be in paragraph format, not dot points. Avoid the use of direct quotes unless very pertinent and if used, keep them short and appropriately referenced using APA guidelines. Direct quotes in general do not demonstrate your understanding of the topic. It is preferable to discuss the topic in your own words.

The following points should be considered in your postings to the discussion questions:

  • Discussion at a critical level, not just descriptive and/or a recitation of facts
  • Relating the information from the unit readings to clinical practice
  • The use of evidence to support your arguments.                                    

Case study 2.2-

Harriet Pascher is a 35-year-old woman from Roseville in Sydney, she was admitted to your hospital last night and is currently in the intensive care unit. She was admitted via ambulance after an episode of lack of consciousness, followed on arousal by complaints of severe neck and head pain. On scan, she was diagnosed as having had a small bleed from an aneurysm, which was clipped in theatre prior to admission to the ward. Mrs Preacher has a picture of two children beside her bed and they appear to be a boy and girl in their early teens. She is currently being visited by her husband Sean, who tells you that she is very upset at missing the children's school drama production this evening and that she has asked Sean to bring her in some food to replace the hospital food, which she says is flavorless.


  1. Which pieces of the above information are examples of "knowing the patient' using Liaschenko and Fisher's topology: case knowledge, patient knowledge and person knowledge?
  1. Explore your clinical work on your next shift and note examples of case knowledge, patient knowledge and person knowledge.
  2. In what ways do these different ways of "knowing the patient' help you to determine the basis for your care?

Case study 2.3-

Asham has been a registered nurse for 4 years and loves his job. He consistently volunteers to help mentor new graduates and staff who are new to the area. Patients really respond well to him, and the feedback the nursing unit manager receives is always that Asham is a nice person and an excellent communicator. He leads the 'essentials of care team in the values clarification exercises, having already completed the facilitator's course, of which introspection and personal values clarification are inherent parts.


  1. Assess Asham in terms of his attributes for engaging in person-centred nursing. What other information would you want to know before completing this assessment?
  2. In McCormack and McCances" person-centred nursing framework, give yourself a score out of 5 for the prerequisites' or 'attributes of the nurse:

            ◦           professional competence

            ◦           interpersonal skills

            ◦           commitment to the job

            ◦           clarity of beliefs and values

            ◦           self-knowledge.

  1. Studying these results, what actions might you take to increase your score so that it is closer to 5 out of 5?


  1. Benner P. From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley; 1984.
  2. Howatson-Jones L. Reflective practice in nursing. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications;2016.
  3. McCormack B, McCance T. Person-centred practice in nursing and health care. Oxford: WileyBlackwell: 2016.


  1. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). Registered nurse standards for practice. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia; 2016.
  1. Benner P. From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley;1984.

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