NUR368 Assessment Task 2: Global Health Report
Word count: 2000 words +/- 10%
Value (of total mark): 40%
Related Learning outcome/s: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.
Task: The task is to create a country-based report on a significant contemporary global health care challenge or priority as outlined in Modules 2 & 3 of the unit.
- Select the health care challenge or priority that you would like to study
- Select the country (other than Australia) that you will investigate in your report in relation to this challenge/priority
- Find comparative information for Australia to aid in the ‘discussion’ section of your report
- Develop your global health report using the sections and headings provided in the template given below
- Please ensure that you read the associated marking rubric to maximise your marks
Sections/Headings | Task |
Title page | The title of the report, your name (and student number), the name of the course and the course code. |
Introduction | The introduction contextualises your report and highlights its relevance along with any key terms of reference. It includes information on the background of the report, its purpose, and the scope that it will cover. Describe the structure of your report, outlining the argument and the points you will develop in the report. |
Global Health Challenge | This section is where you clarify in detail the global health challenge that you have chosen in the context of your chosen country. Provide relevant population statistics, data on health care outcomes, information on contributing factors, etc. This section may include relevant tables and graphs, but please choose these carefully as they should not make up the majority of your content and their relevance should be clearly explained in your text. |
Discussion and implications | It is here that you critically reflect on the findings outlined in previous sections of your report, to identify the implications of what you have found for the health of the country overall. You will also use this |
section establish the significance of those findings in relation to corresponding Australian health outcomes/status. Ultimately, the purpose of this section is to interpret the literature and data that you have explored to develop your report. | |
Conclusion | The Conclusion of a report reinforces the points raised in the body sections and ties these together to form an argument. No new ideas or evidence should be raised in this section. It should consolidate your assessment of the information available and demonstrate any gaps or problems that you have discovered. |
References | In-text referencing in CDU APA 7th style will be used throughout the report where relevant and an accurate reference list provided at the end of your report. |
Acceptable sources of information for this task:
- Professional and government websites
- Textbooks or peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last 10 years
Unacceptable sources of information for this task:
- Internet blogs
- Social media
- Unattributed sources
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