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Question & Answers

NURS8720 Primary Health Care Constructs and Contexts

Mode of submission: Online through FLO


Weighting: 40%

Length: 2000 words in total

Due date: Week 13  Monday 2nd November 2020 11am


The aim of this assignment is to assess the student’s ability to choose a community health education intervention and critically review/evaluate its effectiveness in terms of its overall impact on the health behaviour and health status of targeted individuals and/or groups.

Some examples:

  • The Adelaide-based Sammy D Foundation
  • Get Active and Healthy, Townsville
  • Healthy Happy Beginnings, Werribee Mercy Hospital, Victoria 
  • Gudbinji chronic disease programme, Northern Territory  
  • Warajanga Marnti Warrarnja - Together We Walk on Country, Western Australia  
  • Resilient Futures (Wellbeing and Resilience Centre) South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)

Assessment Guidelines

Students need to choose a current or recent (within the last 5 years) community supported health education intervention and critically evaluate its effectiveness in terms of its impact on the health behaviour and health status of targeted individuals and/or groups. (A community supported health education intervention relates to an initiative from your own local community and/or council area or regional area). 

It is recommended that the student review the health education intervention in a systematic manner that includes:

  • Setting the background context of the intervention, including who it is intended to target and how and why they are ‘recruited’ into the program
  • Critically detail the practical processes that led to the planning, resourcing and implementation of the intervention.
  • Critically evaluate the findings and impact of the health education to date, on the targeted groups health behaviour and health status,  including reported successes, limitations, barriers and opportunities.
  • Critically review the potential for alternative or wider interventions that might ‘grow’ the original intervention.
  • Summarise the intervention in terms of overall effectiveness and lessons learnt.

Field activities

To assist with Assignment 3 you may find it useful to 'get amongst' your own community and explore local behavioural health education interventions.  You could access these directly as a member of the public in your own community or regional community, as long as it is in Australia. The 'face to face' approach is also a good way of exploring how easy or not, it is for the public to access the information (ability pending COVID-19 restrictions). 

Important: for professional and ethical reasons you must not arrange formal meetings or interviews with members of the public or with other health professional practitioners. You can only engage with these services as if you were a ‘normal’ member of the public.

Currently employed in a PHC speciality service?  If you are currently employed in a PHC speciality service where these activities are already taking place you can access, review and evaluate these programs, but still remembering that you cannot formally interview clients or colleagues

Assignment writing tips 

*By now you will have realised that critique is different from description. Remember to identify and explain the argument of the programme and provide your own argument about that argument. It is best approached using an open questioning method of comparing and contrasting. 

Additional resources;

'Writing an essay', Flinders University, Student Learning Centre,

'Examples of critical analysis', University of Queensland,


Include a brief introduction and conclusion. 

The paper should be prepared using the following guidelines;

  • Line spacing should be set to 1.5 or 2.0
  • Left and right margins should be at least 2 cm wide
  • Assignment text must be in Verdana 10 pt or Calibri 12 pt
  • All pages must be numbered
  • The assignment must be ordered as follows: ‒ title of the assignment at the top of the first page ‒ assignment body text ‒ reference list ‒ appendices. 
  • The assignment word count should include any words in the body of the assignment, including headings, in-text references and quotations, but not the title page, tables, reference list or appendices. Please note this point re in-text references and quotations.  
  • Pay particular attention to the specified length (word count) of your assignment. 
  • Always keep a copy of your assignment as a backup. Things can go missing or technical problems can occur. It is your responsibility to have a spare copy of your work if needed.
  • You are expected to complete and submit work in accordance with the requirements as detailed in the Statement of Assessment Methods document published on the topic page in FLO.  Details for each piece of assessable work for the topic can be found in the Assignments module. 
  • Marking guides/ rubrics are available in the Assignments module on FLO topic sites.  The rubric will be completed by the marker and returned to you via FLO with your marked assignment.
  • The discussion must be supported with recent literature/policies and relevant articles (Australian material where possible). APA referencing style is required. Appropriate referencing is required. Refer to Referencing section on the FLO page, link attached,
  • Assignment in “Draft” mode after due date will not be marked. You are reminded that any assignment submissions that are still in Draft mode after the due date (or approved extended due date) will be considered incomplete and will not be marked. Submissions can still be finalised by clicking the Submit button but will be marked as late by FLO if this is done after a due date.
  • Make sure you name your assignment file appropriately. File name/s must include: • your FAN • the topic code • assignment name or number

A change to the feedback for assignment 3.

Intrigued? Read on...........

What feedback would you like to receive for Assignment 3? 

We will mark your assignment according to the rubric but we can focus our feedback on what you want evaluated. 

Perhaps you would like feedback relating to  your critical analysis, structure or writing style? These are only examples.

Please indicate at the top of your assignment, before the introduction, what aspect you would like us to evaluate and we will focus our marking and related comments on the aspect you have identified.   

Expert's Answer

The Sammy D Foundation is an education intervention intended for young people encompassing school and college going students, sport clubs, different workplaces as well as communities. The basic educational background planned to be delivered to these people include impacts of bullying in the environment on people along with the impacts of violence resulting from drug and alcohol use. The reason for the recruitment of young people in this plan is to empower them for making positive decisions in their lives so as to be able to participate in the betterment of the community overall (Foundation).

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