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NURS9219 ASSIGNMENT 3 Research Project Management Plan

Students will be doing either an hypothetical research project or a thesis (depending on what course enrolled in). This assignment allows students to start thinking about the different elements needed in a research project and the order and time of completing the tasks. The emphasis is on a timeline and the different steps required in undertaking primary research. You need to describe in 1000 words your project plan and the steps contained in a research project focussing on your particular project that includes a rationale for each step.  You need to include a table or a GANTT chart to show the milestones and timeline for the project showing the research activities and when they will be undertaken.  This may be for a 12, 18 or 24 month time period, but would be dependent on your individual research project. This assignment is specific to your intended research project or your hypothetical research project and is about planning and the steps that will need to be undertaken in or to complete in timely manner.  it is not regarding a study plan to complete a degree.

Planning any research project involves a number of steps and skills that are broadly based around the following:

  • Identifying a problem or area of research in practice.
  • Framing the research question and developing an aim and objectives.
  • Searching, reviewing and critically appraising the research literature.
  • Identifying a research gap.
  • Developing the research proposal and who the subjects or participants will be and in what setting.
  • Deciding on the methodology - whether in the quantitative or qualitative paradigms or mixed.
  • Deciding on the methods of data collection that will depend on the methodology chosen.
  • Applying for ethical approval to the appropriate ethics committee/s.
  • Accessing the setting and recruiting participants for informed consent.
  • Data collection period.
  • Data entry, translation and/or transcription.
  • Analysis of the data - this will vary according to the methodology chosen.
  • Interpreting and discussing the findings from the analysis.
  • Writing up the report or thesis.
  • Identifying the limitations of the research.
  • Discussing the implications for education, practice and research.
  • Dissemination of the research findings whether at conferences or through publications.
  • Applying the research to education and practice.
  • Applying for further funding for further research

Expert's Answer

The outbreak and the resulting global pandemic of the Novel Coronavirus disease alias COVID-19 since December 2019 has affected nearly all the countries of the world spanning across all the continents. With the unavailability of its vaccination, although all the countries are taking the necessary precautionary steps to cope maximally with the disease i.e., by limiting its spread via various precautionary measures as well as early treatments with medications against viral infections already available along with the social distancing measure.

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