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OMGT2221 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management

OMGT 2221- Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management Assignment 3 (Individual):

The report will be evaluated based on the following outline:

  1. Executive summary (brief): Overview of the purpose of the report, findings and recommendations

(2.5 marks)

  1. Introduction (brief): Clearly demonstrate case brief, the purpose of the report, key terms/issues

you are going to discuss and the report structure. (2.5 marks)

  1. Case analysis questions/discussion: Identify issues in the light of the questions asked in case

and discuss the situation by referring to relevant knowledge area (covered in class) by use of

relevant references. (30 marks)

  1. Conclusion/Recommendation (2.5 marks)
  2. Others: Overall presentation (all topics are clearly explained, easy to follow/clarity of language,

coverage and completeness, page numbers, table of contents), use of references and citation, conciseness. (2.5 marks)

Word limit: 2500+10% words (excluding references, title page, table of contents)

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Introduction

Clearly demonstrate case brief, the purpose of the report, key terms/issues you are going to discuss and the report structure

Case analysis/ Discussion

Identify issues in the light of the questions asked in case
and discuss the situation by referring to relevant knowledge area (covered in class) by use of
relevant references.



Overall value of the report

Overall presentation (all topics are clearly explained, easy to follow/clarity of language,
coverage and completeness, page numbers, table of contents), use of references and citation,



In response to the issues identified list out your recommendations and justify where applicable


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