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Question & Answers

Open Task Assignment

TYPE 1 Open task 

This is an open-book exam. You will have 72 hours to complete this exam. Exam Timetable 

Urkund anti-plagiarism software has been enabled. Answer all questions in your own words. 

Choose five (5) of the following ten (10) short answer questions. 

Each answer should be approximately 300-400 words 

  1. What and how did you learn about systems thinking from doing the learning journal?
  2. Show with examples how you think business approaches to sustainability are as important as government and civil society approaches and explain where they complement each other. 
  3. Reflecting on your own experience learning about sustainability at university, talk with examples, about whether your behaviour has changed as a result of what you have learnt and why? 
  4. From a personal, local, national and international scale give examples of social ecological resilience in the context of COVID 19 and how it can be improved. 
  5. Explain with concrete examples why policy and governance for sustainability are as important as practical action. 
  6. What did you learn about systems thinking from doing your major project and how can it be explained using the iceberg model. 
  7. What are some powerful examples of leadership and innovation in sustainability by business and explain how you think they are relevant for resolving one major sustainability problem. 
  8. Using evidence from the unit readings and content, as well as examples from your own life and experience, why do you think people’s active participation will assist the long term success of sustainability initiatives? 
  9. Reflect on your experience doing this unit, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and your major project. How can you measure the success of your recommended major project solutions and what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of your approach? 
  10. How, from your experience and with concrete examples, can a vision for sustainability cement transformative change?

Expert's Answer

Question 3:

Reflecting on your own experience learning about sustainability at university, talk with examples, about whether your behavior has changed as a result of what you have learnt and why?

I have always tried being a responsible citizen, my regular practices included using reusable products, keeping my surroundings clean, avoiding use of plastic and conserving energy whenever possible. But I never stepped out of these mainstream practices as a regular citizen prior to learning about sustainability at the university.

While studying sustainability, I understood the importance of the deep love for a world that we live in. The day the global leaders understood how unsustainable our world had become, bringing about a social change became a shared responsibility and a desperate need of the time. Similar to how the same realization dawned on me when slowly and gradually I learned about sustainability and why small actions at individual levels make or break our natural systems.

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