Organisational Behaviour Reflections
Organisational Behaviour
Reflections (30%)
Learning can be more profound when students are encouraged to reflect on the learning event and exercise their judgment about the content and learning processes. The benefits of this 'consciousness raising' are that students learn to chart their development, identify barriers, patterns and strategies, challenge their own beliefs and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Reflection can also lead to greater confidence and assertiveness or a change inattitude, perspective or priorities.
Furthermore, reflective writing can reinforce reflection-in-action because it allows students to reach a higher level of correlation between theory and practice. Therefore, the primary purpose of using reflective assessments is to encourage students to be more aware of what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and for them to be able to identify practical problem-solving strategies, as well as recognise their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to their understanding of content knowledge, procedures and practical skill development and application.
Students are required to select one PIA from each area of study in organisational behaviour: the individual, the group and the organisation and write a 1500-word (+/- 10%) reflection. Students should draw upon the theories discussed in the Revel eBook and their own research of scholarly literature to form their analysis.
Reflection Grading
The Reflection is worth 30%:
Due Date: Length:
Week 14 – Saturday 900 pm Online (Turnitin) 1500 words not including references (+/- 10%).
Required Readings
Relevant textbook chapters
Presentation and format
Students are required to download and fill in the assessment template by:
- Typing in all required details on the
- Ticking all the boxes and typing your name in the declaration
- Typing responses into the blank fields as
- Removing any blank spaces/lines.
Note: All the margins, fonts and spacing are already set, so there is no need to make any further adjustments.
Submission requirements
Students are encouraged to complete the assessment in three parts throughout the course of the semester when the information isfresh in your mind.
- Part 1: Complete one PIA on the individual and write a 500-word reflection by Week 5
- Part 2: Complete one PIA on the group/team and write a 500-word reflection by Week 11
- Part 3: Complete one PIA on the organisation and write a 500-word reflection by Week
Then all three parts must be collated and entered into the Reflection Template and uploaded to the Reflection DropBox online (Turnitin) by Week 14, Saturday 9”00pm. Any assessments submitted after this time will be classed as late. A late penalty of 10% of the available mark per day will apply, including weekends and public holidays. All assignments MUST be submitted to Turnitin.
Note: A penalty of 10% per day will apply to any late assessment irrespective of the time of day.
Note: Students should read and understand the Special Consideration policy and note that an application for extension or special consideration does not automatically mean that it will be approved, so submit your assessmentas soon as possible.
Assessment task
The reflection should include the following information:
Summary: | Describe the PIAs that you selected and explain why you select them. (225 words) |
Emotional state: | Describe how you felt while doing the PIAs and why you felt that way. (225 words) |
Evaluation: |
Describe the purpose of the PIAs, advantages and disadvantages, and explain how or why the PIAs met or did not meet their objectives.
(350 words) |
Analysis: |
Use OB theories throughout the textbook to explain why the PIA results occurred in relation to you as a(n) individual, group member, and organisational member/manager. (350 words) |
Recommendation: |
Describes what actions you should take to improve/change yourself so that you can be a better individual, a group member and an organisational member and describe the implication of those changes.
(350 words) |
Written Communication | Use concise reflective writing to articulate arguments clearly, competently and presents substantial and convincing ideas using OB theories and evidence without spelling, grammar,
and punctuation errors. |
Citations &
References: |
Use the Harvard Style Guide |
Schedule of PIA
PIA: Core Five Personality Dimensions (Chap 4) | PIA: Communicating Supportively (Chap 10) | PIA: Organizational Structures (Chap 14) |
PIA: Emotional Intelligence Assessment (Chap 5) | PIA: Strategies for Handling Conflict (Chap 13) | PIA: Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (Chap 16) |
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