PHI3PCM - Essay Questions
Answer one of the questions below.
- What are the main premises in Sartre’s argument that humans are free to choose their essence? How does this argument relate to his idea that ‘existence precedes essence’? Is this position defensible?
- What is the meaning of, and difference between, the statements ‘essence precedes existence’ and ‘existence precedes essence’? Why are Sartre’s reasons for thinking that if the second statement accurately describes human agency, then God does not exist? Is his view defensible?
- What does Sartre mean when he says that we are responsible for ourselves and also for all others? How does this responsibility relate to his understanding of freedom? Do you think he is right? Give reasons for your answer.
- What is bad faith? Is it as ubiquitous as Sartre suggests? Describe and evaluate one of Sartre's examples of conduct of bad faith.
De Beauvoir
- What are de Beauvoir’s reasons for claiming “one is not born but rather becomes a woman”? What are the merits and shortcomings of this understanding?
- How does de Beauvoir understand ambiguity and what is its role as an ethical concept? Why does she believe it’s necessary from an existentialist perspective?
- Explain and critically discuss the following claim by Heidegger. ‘The Self of everyday Dasein is the they-self, which we distinguish from the authentic Self …’ (Being and Time, #27, p. 167).
- Critically discuss Heidegger’s understanding of the relationship between idle talk, curiosity, and the ‘publicness of the they’.
- Explain and critically discuss Heidegger’s understanding of the significance of ‘mood’.
- For Heidegger anxiety plays an important role in making an individual authentic. Give your understanding of this relationship and present and evaluate Heidegger’s reasons for assigning anxiety such an importance place in individuation.
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