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PPMP 20010 Assessment 1 Part 1 Project status report

Assessment 1 - Outline

  • Individual assignment
  • Due Date: Monday, Week 7 (11:45pm AEST)
  • Case Study for Assessment 1 & 2
  • Assessment 1 (Part 1 & 2) templates provided
  • Must be completed using the templates ONLY
  • Submission format:
    • MS Word, checked by Turnitin software

Assessment 1 –

Alignment to Unit Learning Outcomes

  • Learning Outcome 3 (from Unit Profile)
  • Define and justify project event-driven and time-driven

controls for a case study project.

Case Study (Project)

  • The real-life case study is Queensland health payroll system
  • Download the case study from the Assessment block in
  • You need to complete Assessment 1 Part 2 and Assessment 2 in the context of the case
  • A number of URLs containing the information are provided in the case study
  • This information is not You need to widen your research until an in-depth understanding of this project is reached.

Assessment 1 Part 1 –

Project status report

  • Assessment 1 Part 1 is about the project status (progress) at a given point of time during the execution phase.
  • Project status report is a tool used throughout the life of a project to provide information on how the project is proceeding and progressing.
  • This report is a vital communication tool aimed at the sponsor, project board and/or steering committee.
  • Download the Assessment 1 Part 1 template from the Assessment block in Moodle.

Project Status Report

  • Project status report usually contains the following sections:

– Gantt Chart

– Performance (Variance) Analysis

– Estimated Cost At Completion (EAC)

– Cost Summary

– Forecast Completion Date

– To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

– Milestones status

– Exceptions

Gantt Chart

  • Gantt Chart invented by Henry Gantt in
  • It illustrates the project
  • It illustrates the start and finish dates of the project tasks/activities.
  • It also shows sequence of
  • Tasks constitute the work breakdown structure (WBS) of the

Gantt Chart - Example

Performance (Variance) Analysis

  • Performance analysis is used to check the progress (status) of the project during the execution
  • Status of every task, sub-task, summary tasks and the project is measured at regular intervals of

•        CPI% = (EV/AC) * 100

  • CPI% < 100% - actual cost is above the planned cost
  • CPI% = 100% - actual cost is the same as planned cost
  • CPI% > 100% - actual cost is below the planned cost

•        SPI% = (EV/PV) * 100

  • SPI% < 100% - less work completed than planned
  • SPI% = 100% - work completed as planned schedule
  • SPI% > 100% - more work completed than planned

Estimated cost At Completion (EAC)

  • EAC is the forecasted cost of the project at completion, as the

project progresses ...

  • BAC Budget At Completion = Total PV (Total planned budget of the


  • Use appropriate EAC method based on the following assumptions:
    • Method 1: based on actual cost to date, and predicts future work

will be accomplished at the budgeted rate

  • EAC = AC + (BAC – EV)
  • Method 2: assumes what the project has experienced to date is expected to continue
    • EAC = BAC / CPI
  • Method 3: based on both CPI and SPI factors, when project schedule is impacting the estimated cost to complete the project
    • EAC = AC + [ (BAC - EV) / (CPI x SPI) ]

To-Completion Performance Index (TCPI)

  • TCPI is a measure of cost performance that is required to be achieved with the remaining resources in order to meet specified management
  • TCPI is expressed as a ratio of the cost to finish outstanding work to the remaining
  • TCPI = Work Remaining / Funds Remaining
  • Use appropriate TCPI formula based on the following assumptions:
    • Assumption - BAC is still valid:


  • Assumption - BAC is not valid anymore:


Forecast Completion Date

  • Forecast completion date forecasts the end date of the project, as the project progresses ...
  • It is derived from the Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

•        Forecast completion date

Total duration of the project / SPI        (e.g. 60 months / 0.92)

  • If SPI < 1, then project is expected to be completed after the scheduled completion
  • If SPI = 1, then project is expected to be completed as per the scheduled completion date.
  • If SPI > 1, then project is expected to be completed before the scheduled completion date

Milestones status

  • Milestone is an event on a schedule, which marks the completion of a key
  • Progress on the milestones is provided in this
  • Any issues with the milestones are also listed in this

Assessment 1 - Part 1

Project status report template

  • Gantt chart is provided to you in the
  • PV, EV & AC data is also provided to you within the
  • You are required to analyse the project progress in terms of the main tasks and data provided in the
  • You don’t need to refer to the case study for this report as data provided is

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