PPMP20010 Executing & Closing Projects Assessment 2 Part 2

The project governance report is a vital communication tool that is used as the basis for ensuring that the project board and other main project stakeholders are provided with timely, relevant, and reliable project information.  Governance report provides a framework whereby issues can be reported, and decisions made in a transparently accountable manner.

Kerzner (2017) states that governance relates to decisions that define expectations, accountability, responsibility, the granting of power, or verification of performance.  Governance relates to consistent management, cohesive policies, and processes and decisions-making rights for a given area of responsibility.  Governance enables efficient and effective decision-making to take place.

The PMBOK (2017) discusses project governance and advises that it is a framework that provides the project manager and team with structure, processes, decision-making models, and tools for managing the project, while supporting and controlling the project for successful delivery.

Directing PRINCE2 Table B.1 lists the principles taken from The Association for Project Management’s governance of project management principles.

Please complete this governance report in the context of the case study provided or a similar large infrastructure project of your choice.

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Project Governance Report

Project name:                  

Project ownership:               

Report prepared by:                          

Report date:                    

Distribution list:                   

1          Governance Stracture & Responsbilities

PRINCE2 states that the project board should have the overall responsibility for governance of the projects.

Please provide the governance structure and describe the responsibilities of three (3) project board members in a tabular format in the context of the case study provided or a similar large infrastructure project of your choice.

You must describe 2-3 responsibilities of each member of the project board.

2          Governance (350-450 Words)

The PMI Practice Guide on the Governance of Portfolios, Programs and Projects describes four (4) Governance Domains: Alignment, Risk, Performance, and Communications.  Each governance domain has the following four (4) Governance Functions: Oversight, Control, Integration, and Decision-making.

Based on the case study provided or a similar large infrastructure project, please discuss any two (2) of the above functions of your choice within one (1) of the governance domains, how these functions were handled and how they could have been done differently to avoid the problems encountered during the life of the project, for example, performance domain: oversight and decision-making functions.

Governance domain name:
How were these functions handled by the project board? What could have been done differently to avoid/mitigate the problems encountered?
Function 1 name:
Function 2 name:

3          Describe Two (2) Governance Failures and Reasons you identified from the case study resources publicly available online or a similar large infrastructure project of your choice (350-450 Words)

Failure 1
Failure 2

4          Describe Two (2) Lessons Learnt from the Governance Failures by the Project Governance Board or by their Organisation (350-450 Words)

Lesson 1
Lesson 2


  • At least five (5) references along with in-text citations must be provided which are relevant to the case study provided or a similar large infrastructure project.

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