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PUB 104 Task 2 Evaluate and summarise the articles

Task 2 - Information


  • Find at least two relevant and recent (published in the last six years) peer-reviewed full-text original research articles on a given topic. Please use articles that have participants. Please do not use reviews or meta-analyses for this task.
  • Evaluate and summarise the articles in a Word document (template provided below). Upload the completed document to Blackboard before due date/time (Week 9 Friday, May 1 at 2 pm)
  • Evaluationsmust demonstrate a good understanding (via an in-depth analysis) of the articles selected. 
  • Summaries must provide the reader with a concise overview of the topic, methods, participants, and resultsof the articles selected. 
  • Based on the evidence available in the articles selected you must propose at least three practical recommendations(i.e. effective strategies/interventions, schedules of intervention, delivery methods, etc). 
  • The APA style of referencing must be usedfor this task - 

Topic: Behavioural strategies/interventions that can improve the Wellbeing/Quality of Life for people over 65 years of age with chronic conditions (please select one of the following chronic conditions - osteoporosis, asthma, type 2 diabetes or dementia).


Expert's Answer

Among the older adult population today, osteoporosis is a significant health issue that is associated with a higher risk of falls, fractures, injuries and also mortalities (Hsu, et. al., 2014). It is a disease where bone strength is compromised, making people susceptible to falls and that can reduce their quality of life (Kotwal, et. al., 2018).

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