Recovery-Oriented Practice - Assignment Task 1

Enables students to demonstrate their understanding of key concepts related to the evidence and efficacy of recovery-oriented practice.

Due date:                                          Wednesday 30th March at 2359hrs

Weighting:                                        30%

Length and/or format:                    1500 words

Purpose:                                            Enables students to demonstrate their understanding of key concepts related to the evidence and efficacy of recovery-oriented practice.

Learning outcomes assessed:     LO1, LO2, LO4

How to submit:                                Electronically via Turnitin

Return of assignment:                    Electronically via Turnitin within 3 weeks

Assessment criteria:                      See appendix 1 rubric.

Task:                                                 Demonstrate your understanding of the consumer movement and the key theoretical models and theories of recovery and trauma informed care which underpin contemporary Australian mental health services policy and practice.

Students are required to consider the principles of recovery-orientated practice as well as the National Framework for Recovery Orientated Mental Health Services (in particular Chapter 9 Domains and Capabilities) and must use academic literature to support their discussion.

References:                                      A national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers. (2013). [Department of Health and Ageing].

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