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Reflection on ANSAT clinical tool

ASSIGNMENT Task 2                      Reflection on ANSAT clinical tool

Due date:                                            Friday 24th April 2020, 12 midday

Weighting:                                        30%

Length and/or format:                      1000 words +/-10%


The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to demonstrate beginning skills in critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and reflective practice.


Write a reflection on what you have learnt this semester relating to a specific aspect of health assessment. Select one or several aspects of one the following skills: health interviewing; measurement of Pulse; therapeutic communication; measurement of Temperature or measurement of BP. You must use Gibbs Reflective Cycle as your framework. Relate your learning of the skill to your progress in meeting Criteria

4 of the ANSAT tool “Comprehensively Conducts Assessment”. Use of headings as per rubric is advisable.

Learning outcomes assessed:      

LO1, LO4

How to submit:                                

Submit via the Turnitin link in the NRSG139 LEO site, Assessment tile. Upload your reflection as a Word document via the Turnitin link in the NRSG139 LEO Assessment tile. Keep an electronic copy of your paper.

Return of assignment:                   

Feedback and marks will be returned via Turnitin 3

weeks after submission. Late submission and extensions to due date will mean your paper may be returned later than papers submitted on time.

Assessment criteria:           

This assessment will be marked using the criterion-based rubric

Gibbs Reflective Cycle for Academic Reflective Piece.

  1. Include an introduction
  2. Use headings - the 6 steps of Gibbs Reflective Cyle to structure your Include required content as per rubric and suggestions below.
  3. Include a conclusion
  4. Read the rubric – including the broad descriptions of each section to the left of the page and read the marking criteria for HD to Make sure you include what is


Describe what happened, keep focused on your description; don’t make judgements or draw conclusions.

Feelings: What were your feelings. Keep focused on your emotions during the learning process, don’t be tempted to analyse yet.

Evaluate: use literature - your initial feelings and reactions in order to get to the heart of what really concerned you (positive or negative) about the experience. The rubric clearly states in the marking criteria that evidence and examples are required.

By doing this, you should be able to identify and attend to key issue/s which will allow you to move on to critical analysis. What was good and bad about the experience? You may use references to support your reflection. Choose just one or two issues. Then you can move on to develop some in-depth critical analysis rather than just ‘skim the surface’ of many.

Critical analysis: use literature - What sense did you make of the experience?

Critically analyse what was going on. Were people’s experiences similar to or different from yours, and in what ways? What themes seem to be emerging from your

analysis? How do these compare with your previous experiences? Can you challenge any assumptions now?

Make use of knowledge/ideas from outside your experience to develop and inform your analysis. You must use literature to support your analysis. How do these compare with your experience?

Conclusions: What have you learnt from reflecting on this experience? Required to link your learning towards progress meeting Standard 4

What have you learnt about: yourself, your self-awareness, your practice? What have you learnt that you would recommend for practice in general (i.e. social, political, cultural, ethical issues)?

Final evaluation and action plan: What would you do differently?

SMART Goal is required as it covers….

What you would do if this type of learning situation arose again?

What steps will you take, based on what you’ve learnt, to develop your future practice?

How will you decide if your practice has been improved?

See over page for further resources from your lectures

Standard 4: Comprehensively conducts assessments

RNs accurately conduct comprehensive and systematic assessments. They analyse information and data and communicate outcomes as the basis for practice.

The registered nurse:

  • conducts assessments that are holistic as well as culturally appropriate
  • uses a range of assessment techniques to systematically collect relevant and accurate information and data to inform practice
  • works in partnership to determine factors that affect, or potentially affect, the health and wellbeing of people and populations to determine priorities for action and/ or for referral, and
  • assesses the resources available to inform

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