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Research Report Assessment

Write a 1200 word research report on a current issue of your choice.  Possible topics are provided below:

  • Technology in education, how it can be used not abused

However, in case you opt to write on another academic topic, you need your teacher’s approval. You are not allowed to do the same topic that you studied in AS 1.  The topic must be of current interest and be an issue with a number of possible solutions.



This assessment is worth 20% of your marks and contains three components. A progress report which contains a short written and oral component (5%), the report (10%) and an oral presentation of 10 minutes (5%).


Your report MUST be submitted online via Turnitin by 5pm Friday end of Week 10 and must be completed using the recommended structure and style. A similarity level of between 10-15% is acceptable .  If a report exceeds 15% similarity then every percentage point over 10% will be deducted from your report mark.  For example a 15% similarity will have 0 points deducted and a 20% similarity will have 10 points deducted.  You have the opportunity to submit the report multiple times before the due date in order to check your similarity and rewrite if necessary.

You will be required to research and acknowledge your sources through correct Harvard style citations and referencing.

You must use and reference a minimum of 5 appropriate academic sources.


The presentations (mini and final) are to explore and practice spoken academic communication as opposed to written communication. Consequently you will be assessed on presentation skills use of PPT and interaction with the audience as opposed to grammar and academic vocabulary etc. You are expected to participate in other people’s presentations, and this will contribute to your overall mark.

Writing your research report

Unlike an essay, your research report will have very clear sections with identifying headings and subheadings.

Below is a table showing the section headings you need to use, and what each section’s paragraph needs to include:

SECTION                                                  FUNCTION / CONTENTS

Title Page                                                    Title of your report

                                                                         Student name and number


                                                                         Date Due



Abstract                                                       Presents a summary of the whole report

                                                                         Briefly outlines purpose, methodology, findings and recommendations           

                                                                         Write this section last, much like the conclusion of an essay


Introduction                                              Outlines the context, background and purpose

                                                                         Defines the terminology and sets limits of research

                                                                         Clearly communicates the what, how and why


Findings & Discussions                         Presents the factual findings of your research

                                                                           Presents an evaluation and analysis of results


Conclusion & Recommendations      A brief statement of what was found

                                                                           Suggest alternatives / solutions


Reference List                                     List of all references used, presented in the correct Harvard style, in alphabetical order

Presentation style requirements 1

  • Type your report using Microsoft Word
  • Use the spell checker; set to UK or Australian English
  • Font style must be ‘Calibri’ or ‘Times New Roman’
  • Font size must be 12
  • Your text must be ‘left aligned’
  • Use 1.5 line spacing
  • Include a title page with your name, student number, lecturer, and university

Late Penalty:  A penalty of 5% per day will be incurred for late submission.          

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