Role and Responsibilities of The Australian Government and Individuals in Maintaining Data Privacy - Essay Assignment Help

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The rapid pace in technological advancements has undoubtedly developed multiple comfort zones making life on earth more pleasing. However, the same advanced technologies on the other hand has generated many factors challenging the peaceful life procedures. Particularly, the new era of information and communication technologies has posed a threat to the personal privacies of individuals and organizations as well. Through different means and for different purposes we are constantly sharing our personal information with the community members, organizations or government institutions. In the information sharing process, the shared information or data if not properly managed can be retrieved by the anti-society element for negative purposes causing emotional, physical or financial harms. An organization’s progress would be disrupted if its personal records are not properly managed or there’s a breach in its privacy (Li & Sarkar 2013, p. 796).

Considering the end results of personal data breaches and its unethical use, many legislations influenced by the regional policies for data protection has been designed by different government, whereas it is emphasized that unless all stakeholders of data sharing process contributes their roles, implementing legislations would not be enough to effectively maintain data privacy.  Every individual, business company or government organizations maintain their personal information, regarding academics, financial status, business operations and client’s details in the form of a data. The same data in most cases is intentionally transferred to other individuals or organizations for specific reasons. Moreover, as most of the communication means at present are influenced by the digital technology, while communicating some of our personal information is revealed to the other party. Its quite common, while browsing,  downloading or chatting, the user unintentionally transfers personal information to the other end (Aggarwal & Jauhar 2003, p. 56). Thus, in our daily practices somehow intentionally or unintentionally we are sending and receiving personal data. 

The current era of digital technologies has not only presented multiple development opportunities among all industries and segments of daily life, simultaneously it also provided advanced options for modernized crime practices. The unlimited boundaries and multiple opportunities besides presenting ultimate advantages has also ploughed the grounds for the multiple criminal activities which has appeared as a major threat for the piece of the societies across the globe (Bamrara 2012, p. 1). As data is the accumulation of highly confidential personal information, intrusion into the data allows to manipulate the same for any unethical practices. Safety of the stored Data, specifically safe management of the data transferred for specific reasons is now a major concern of individuals and organizations, organizations are implementing strategies to secure their data or personal information from the unauthorized penetrators (Tehrani, Sabaruddin, Ramanathan 2018).

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