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Saudi female staff performing in Saudi health institutes



Considering the fewer number of Saudi female staff performing in Saudi health institutes, descriptive qualitative approach is adopted to attain maximum information associated with the research topic, from the female staff.  Qualitative descriptive methods are commonly used when rich descriptions of a phenomenon are being sought (McKenna & Copnell, 2018). Whereas, to report qualitative research (SRQR) 21 elements of standard are pursued.

Setting and population:

To proceed with the proposed study, two groups were organized in two different health institutes, King Fahad Medical City and Ministry of Health (Riyadh), and were aligned with the meeting sessions of the four groups conducting discussion with 15 of the Saudi female medical staff. Only the female Saudi staff working under the paramedic’s protocols, holding a bachelor’s degree in paramedics and were able to communicate in both English and Arabic languages, were considered for consulting for the research purpose.

Data Collection:

The selected 15 Saudi female health workers were split into four groups. Open ended questions were formulated in consideration of the literature review and the conceptual framework, like, what are the issues of the Saudi Female health workers while working with other workers? How do they cope up with the family responsibilities during their job tenure? What is the significance of the Saudi female health workers in a society influenced by the particular Saudi culture?

Acknowledging the preference and the convenience of the participants, Arabic language was selected for the meeting sessions and answering the questions, enabling the participants to share maximum knowledge. The questions were answered within 30 – 40 minutes, by all the groups, the groups were supervised by a lead researcher (AA), where all the groups submitted answers to the given questions within 30 -40 minutes of time. The focus group were audio-recorded using two devices, and written notes were also made to record any key details (Britten, 2006).

Initially, Arabic language was the only language used for administering the groups by the primary investigators, and the proceedings were inscribed precisely by an experienced translator. Further, through forward-back translation procedures, the content inscribed in Arabic is then translated into English, by an experienced health translating agency (Choi et al, 2012). Forward-back translation is the most common, appropriate and recommended procedure for confirming translation from the participant language to the research language (Chen & Boore, 2010). Through forward-back translation mode, the content noted in participants language was translated into a common language i.e., English.  Moreover, to affirm the authenticity of the content, taking support of an additional professional translator, the same content was translated from more advanced version of English into Arabic (Chen & Boore, 2010). Further, to re-ensure that nothing is missed, the main inscriber reassessed the entire data verbally confirming with the participants and then aligning the same with the inscribed content (Clark et al, 2017).

Data Analysis:

Thematic analysis, informed by Braun and Clarke, was used to identify patterns or themes within the qualitative data due to its accessibility and flexibility to initiate new themes (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Clarke & Braun, 2013). the entire content was accumulated by the primary investigator and then each line was studied cautiously, marking each sentence with specific codes and writing comments. Data Analysis software NVivo was then used making the evaluation procedures more effective. Careful analysis of the content was conducted to highlight the units appearing frequently. The same units were marked with codes, and affirming the actual meaning of the units, three themes were formulated by the primary investigator (AA), and were confirmed by the co-author (LA). The formulation of the three themes was then followed by outlining the data and evaluating their individual influence.

Ethical Consideration:

The conducted study had the approval from The Monash University Human Ethics Committee (Project ID: 20004), King Fahad Medical City and Saudi ministry of Health. The participants were furnished in a printed format, necessary information like study’s aim, participants role for the study and maintaining secrecy by erasing any identification mark or writing from the content. The participants submitted their approval in writing, prior the commencement of each group. Whereas, due to identity restrictions, in concluding the report no participant can identified.

Expert's Answer

The public healthcare system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) accounts is highly valued in the country. The emergency medical service (EMS) is one of the essential services that the government offers in its public health institutions. The present study investigates the perception of EMS experts such as leaders, managers, and academicians towards female paramedics and the challenge that these healthcare providers face in the Saudi Arabian workforce.

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