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The major aspect of running any type of organization is decision making. Same is for the Street North Organization which is led by both James Helal and Rita Nehme. The main aim of the organization is to inspire people to live healthy, active and creative lives through their campaigns like cycling that merge and mingle the communities together. All the donations accepted from the participants is donated to cancer research and patient care. Ideally, such organization should be based on equal responsibility and give fair opportunity to all the volunteers and participants to have a voice in designing and implementation of the event. Such type of fund-raising organizations needs to recognize the importance of having distributed leadership that is more based on collaboration and communication amongst the participants and volunteers at all levels of decision making (Feng, 2017).
In the current scenario, it is observed that all the responsibilities of raising funds befalls on James and Rita despite of having the volunteer-based organizational structure. It seems that the participants and volunteers do not have equal participation opportunity and voice in decisions made by the leaders. This particular report will outline how the change from such kind of leadership towards distributed leadership can bring positive change within the organization and how the volunteer based organizational structure can be converted into social entrepreneurial based organizational structure. Moreover, the Lewins stages will be used for bringing the change in the organizational leadership. Ethical concerns of the stakeholders will also be kept in view while shifting the organizational model from volunteer based where money was only received from the donors towards the social entrepreneurism where the money will also be earned in addition to receiving the donations (Germak & Singh, 2009).
Uptil now, leading and managing the whole Street North organization for raising charity is being done by the two founding directors and leaders i.e. James Helal and Rita Nehme. However, to raise a charity and make the Street North Organization succeed in future, distributed leadership model can play an important role. Distributed leadership model allows the organizations to provide an environment where individuals can interact with each other with an openness of boundaries (Harris & DeFlaminis, 2016). Through having a distributed leadership model within the Street North Organization, the varieties of expertise will be distributed across the many instead of clustered around few issues (Feng, 2017).
Through embracing a distributed leadership model, the leaders and followers will share the process of enacting the overall leadership. Under this form of leadership model, the volunteers, managers and leaders all will have a voice in decision making process (including the founders) (Woods, 2016). The information will be available to all of the participants due to which a culture of transparency, mutual trust and shared responsibility will be enabled in the Street North Organization (Liu, Yan, Zhai, & Zheng, 2016).
Right now, it seems that the leadership is only shared amongst James and Rita due to which the current campaign work short-fall has fallen on the shoulders of James and Rita. Having more participants involved in the campaign will allow Street North Organization to raise more funds as each participant is required to raise a minimum of AUD5000. Hence, distributed leadership will allow the participants to feel involved in the campaign and motivate them to raise funds.
The current leadership model can be changed by James and Rita using Lewins’ three step model i.e. unfreeze, change and freeze (Liu, Yan, Zhai, & Zheng, 2016). For Street North, these three steps can be used as follows to implement a distributed leadership model:
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