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In this task you will review two cybersecurity threats and submit a document including your answers to a few questions.
Please note the following:
– more details available on support/referencing. Please list your references below each question. You do not need to include references that you have not referred to in your answer directly (i.e., we do not need a bibliography).
Note: Aim for short concise answers. You can copy/paste each question in your answer document and include your answer just below it. 400-500 words should be enough, but you can go reasonably beyond if you need to.
Note: Aim for short concise answers. You can copy/paste each question in your answer document and include your answer just below it. 250-300 words should be enough, but you can go reasonably beyond if you need to.
Submission Details
Convert your document to PDF and upload on OnTrack. There is no specific resource for this task. All you need to do is to include answer to questions available in this task.
Investigate about `Y2K crisis’, and answer the following questions:
In order to be able to identify if Y2k was a computer security problem or not, it is important to understand what Y2k, actually was. Y2K had become a bit of concern stemming from the clash of the upcoming year of 2000.
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