Socio-economic status, power, and linguistic diversity in English foreign language teaching (EFL) - Assignment Help


Socio-economic status, power, and linguistic diversity in English foreign language teaching (EFL) and learning in India. Focus on curriculum.

There are two parts to the assignment:

Part A is a summary of the particular sociocultural issue or context you have chosen to examine. This is a brief (approximately 500 words) summary of the issue or context.

For this part answer this question:

Why socio-economic status, power, and linguistic diversity are important in English foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning in India? Focus on curriculum.

In this summary, you are asked to:

  • define the sociocultural issue you will be examining including the parameters for the discussion (for example geographic region, time frame, population,)
  • identify the particular factors that contribute to this issue (for example, commercialisation of TESOL, power base of TESOL knowledge construction in Inner Circle countries, impact of colonialization/neo-imperialism etc.)
  • state why this topic is significant.

Part B is your examination of the implications of this issue for policy, curriculum, or a combination of the two, or another factor (such as learner/teacher identity(ies), pedagogical or methodological approaches, etc.).

For this part answer this question:

How socio-economic status, power, and linguistic diversity impact English foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning in India? Focus on curriculum.

This is an in-depth discussion (approximately 1,500 words).

You will:

  • outline the main points discussed in the literature regarding this topic
  • providing evidence to support your points
  • consider the theoretical frame presented in these studies (e.g. social constructivist approaches to language learning and use, instrumentalist/functional approaches to the use and acquisition of language, psycho-social understandings of learning, etc.)
  • offer your opinion on the implications of this issue for policy, curriculum, or a combination of the two, or another factor (such as learner/teacher identity(ies), pedagogical or methodological approaches, etc.).

Research: Please ensure you support your work with peer reviewed research and reference your work.


you should have applied the followings

  1. Demonstrated understanding of sociocultural dimensions evident in chosen topic.
  2. Identification of relevant key concepts and issues.
  3. Understanding is demonstrated through comprehensive treatment in which at least 3 key aspects of sociocultural dimensions are explored with elaboration and/or examples
  4. A comprehensive treatment of all key issues
  5. Use 10 relevant sources (peer reviewed research)
  6. Evidence of critical application of a theoretical frame to discussion, e.g. the language/culture interplay, social constructivism, etc. The writer offers a strong theoretical frame, critically applied
  7. Presentation of evidence (elaboration, examples, ) to support claims. Excellent examples to support the analysis with the writer elaborating on each key point
  8. Accuracy of referencing: no referencing issues (APA 7th)
  9. Level of written fluency and clarity of expression (in line with usual academic expectations). The essay is free of grammatical errors and cogently written

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