Strategy Case Study Assignment Help

Word Limit: 2250 words and a 250-word Executive Summary plus references. Please include a Front Page with your name and student identification, and a Table of Contents.

Learning Outcomes Assessed: CLO 1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4

Case Study

Purpose:  To encourage students to read and analyse a strategy case study, proposing well thought-out recommendations to improve shareholder and stakeholder value. 

Description:  This is a written report for a business setting that follows the case study method taught in this course.  The case study will be provided by your facilitator in Week 2 of Semester 1 2022. There are no specific questions in this assessment, but your task is to analyses the case study and make recommendations on improving shareholder and stakeholder value.  You should address the following in the analysis:

  • External environment, industry environment and critical success factors (20%)
  • Company analysis (20%)
  • SWOT (15%)
  • Recommendations (35%)

In addition, 10% of available marks are allocated to matters such as presentation, spelling, English grammar, logic of argument, writing impact and overall professionalism of the written report. 

Please include a Cover Page with your name and Student Identification, and a Table of Contents. This report should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing and no less than one-inch margins.  The 250-word Executive Summary should be included on a separate page before the 2250-word report and a full list of references is to be provided on a separate page following the report. 

Tables and Figures are included in the word count but not the References. This is a ‘hard’ word limit and marks will be deducted for going over the word limit. Tables and Figures are included in the word count. Words in picture files will be counted. In a workplace reports in excess of guidelines are returned to be re-written with performance management consequences. The ‘hard’ word limit here gives more workplace authenticity to this assessment task.

The report is due in Word format via CANVAS with a TurnItin check by the due date. 

Marking criteria:  A detailed rubric is provided in CANVAS.

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