THS1FEM Introduction to Event Management - Task 2

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You are required to prepare a 1,500 word essay focussing on one of these articles below.

Your essay should consider the origins of the event, the objectives of the organizers and some of the key features of the participant experience.
Brennan-Horley, C., Connell, J. & Gibson, C. (2007) ‘The Parkes Elvis Revival Festival: Economic Development and Contested Place Identities in Rural Australia’, Geographical Research, 45 (1), 71-84. Jenkins, H. (2012) ‘Superpowered Fans: The Many Worlds of San Diego’s Comic-Con’, Boom: A Journal of California, 2 (2), 22-36.
Specific requirements for the Essay:

  • The essay should be 1,500 words in length (+/- 50 words).
  • The essay only requires two sources: the article and the textbook. Nonetheless, you need to include a reference list.
  • The essay must be primarily based on the textbook and article. As a guide, 90% of your references must be to these.
  • Do not under any circumstances reference websites, Wikipedia or lectures. Your essay must be based on academic sources.
  • The essay must be presented using an appropriate essay style so refer to the university link below regarding academic writing:


  • The Harvard Referencing Style must be used. Please consult the Harvard Referencing Guide available on the library website at:
  • This essay must be all your own work. Where you reproduce material from other sources, this must be appropriately shown with quotation marks and a reference.
  • The essay will be assessed via Turnitin and students have the opportunity to consider the results for similarity to other sources and revise accordingly. There is no set benchmark for a high Turnitin score, though it is felt that over 20% is a concern.

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