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USC BUS 707 Cross-cultural business situation

Assignment Instructions taken from BlackBoard.

Please note there is an explanatory video and other material in the Task 2 assessment folder that students should watch/read carefully.

Length: 2,500 words (+/- 10%)

Due date: Thursday, week 9, 5:00pm AEST.

Instructions to students

You will apply your newly developed cultural intelligence skills to a problematic ‘real life’ international business situation.

You will undertake an analysis of, and prepare a report on, a difficult international business situation (the case), involving a cross-cultural management issue, that has arisen in the past twelve months. For this task, you will choose a newspaper article between 350 and 1000 words. The article must be reporting actual international business activities or events and not be a commentary or academic critique.

For detailed information about the assignment please watch this 20 min video

While only the video provides all necessary informaiton, you can also download the video slides

Structure of the report. (from slide 7).

Title page

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Article synopsis
  3. Identification of the gaps between the relevant cultures
  4. Identification of the cross-cultural issues presented in the article
  5. Potential solutions for overcoming the cross-cultural issues
  6. Conclusion
  7. Recommendations

Reference List – in Harvard Citation Method


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