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Go to the website of the National Broadband Network [NBN]. Check the roll-out plan to see if and when the NBN will be available at your current address. Talk to two people who live nearby but not people you share your residence with. Do a Post that covers the following points. Do Not identify specific people or addresses, only the suburb or general area: If NBN is currently available at your address:
What technology is being used?
Are you or any other people you live with subscribing? At what access speed? Any data cap? Which retail service provider and how much [$] are you paying per month?
Are the two people living nearby subscribing? At what access speed? Any data cap? Which RSP and how much [$] are they paying per month?
How have they found the experience of connecting to and using the NBN?
If NBN is not currently available at your address:
When will it be available?
What technology will be used?
Are the two people living nearby aware of the NBN timetable for their area? How interested are they in subscribing once it is available? Do they currently have a fixed line broadband connection? If so, at what access speed? Any data cap? How much [$] are they paying per month?
Want to contact us directly? No Problem. We are always here for you