Written Business Report - Marketing Assignment Help

Assessment Task 1

Business Studies

Students Name:


H1 critically analyses the role of business in Australia and globally

H2 evaluates management strategies in response to changes in internal and external influences

H3 discusses the social and ethical responsibilities of management

H4 analyses business functions and processes in large and global businesses

H5 explains management strategies and their impact on businesses

H6 evaluates the effectiveness of management in the performance of businesses

H7 plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues

H8 organises and evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations

H9 communicates business information, issues and concepts in appropriate formats

H10 applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations

Assessment Task Outline and Description

The Assessment Task has two parts – Part A and B

Part A: Write a written Business Report: 750-800 Words – 20 Marks

Choose a global business of your own choice:

1)      Examine the principles and theory of marketing strategies in relation to the syllabus points and link these to your business.

2)      Assess the effectiveness and the success of marketing strategies applied by your selected business.

3)      Suggest any improvements and recommendations to the marketing strategies of the business you have selected.

Part B: 5 minute verbal Presentation: Analysis of one advertisement campaign – 5 Marks

1)      Choose one advertisement for your selected business.

2)      Develop the presentation using either a power point or poster. The focal point is to analyse the target market. Present the strategies according to the market segmentation in perspective to targeting consumers, describing how this campaign appeals to its target market.

3)      Assess the campaign and recommend any possible improvements.

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