Task 2 – Establish and Plan the Project practical activity
You are required to address the following:
- Task 2.1 Establish project
- Perform a feasibility study
- Participate in a project briefing session
- Develop a Project Charter and obtain approval to move to the project planning phase
Task 2.2 Project Plan
- Develop a project plan
- Present and negotiate the project plan
Task 2.3 Present and negotiate the project plan
- Obtain approval for the project plan
You must deliver/participate in:
- Perform a feasibility study with the project team in Task 2.1A
- Actively participate in a project briefing in Task 2.1B
- Ask for approval of the project charter in Task 2.1D
- Meeting with the project board (Role-Play) in week 4 Task 2.3
Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.