ACC30005 Case Study/Assignment On Taxation

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Assignment Task:

You have been approached by Peter and Leanne Webb in your capacity as their tax agent. They have asked you to prepare the necessary documentation (including the Partnership tax return and Peter’s individual tax return) to meet the tax compliance obligations for “Webb Electrics,” for the income year ending 30 June 2021.

Prepare a letter of advice/report which identifies all relevant tax issues, critically analyses and applies the taxation treatment to the issues, i.e., you will need to argue and support your view and consider differing views (if applicable), and finally, indicate your recommended action based on your better view, i.e., your conclusion (apply the IRAC principle where appropriate). You must ensure that your analysis used to determine your recommended action is fully supported with relevant authority, for example, tax legislation and case law. Note that the assignment will require you to undertake your own research, since it will cover some areas which will not be dealt with explicitly in class. The referencing convention required for this assignment is Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4 -see canvas under Assessment Information Module.

In addition, you will be required to satisfactorily complete the Partnership tax return for Webb Electrics and Individual Tax return for Peter Webb using XeroTax by transferring the relevant information from your analysis and letter of advice to the tax return. You will also be required to complete and submit a group contract (See Appendix A below).

The letter/report must not exceed 2,500 words, excluding footnotes, the reference list and Partnership and Individual tax returns. Assignments exceeding 2,750 words (10%) will not be assessed and you will receive zero marks (fail grade). You must indicate your word count on the cover sheet.

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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