SISSTC402A Develop Strength And Conditioning Programs - PowerPoint Presentation

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PART B – PowerPoint Presentation

For Part B, please form yourselves into teams of 3 people. You will be required to choose a case study listed below and to deliver a powerpoint presentation in class. The presentation will be 12mins long and each person will be required to deliver 4mins from that presentation. Pick a case study that interests you and complete a 12-week periodised plan.

For each case study, consider the following and anything else you deem important:

  • What are the requirements for each case study?
    • Type of training, specificity, training methods, equipment
    • Training volumes and de-loading appropriately
    • Support personnel required (if any)
    • Injury prevention strategies
    • Physiological/anatomical adaptations as well as performance improvements
    • Principles of periodisation: microcycle, mesocycle, macrocycle
    • Annual planning and phasing: preparatory phase, competitive phase, transition phase, tapering
    • Identify objectives, goals and milestones
    • Evaluate your design: does it require modification?

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