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You will write a memo arguing for, or against, imposing specified common HR policies and practices across multiple countries. Students will write a memo arguing for or against imposing specified common HR policies and practices across multiple countries.
As an HR leader of a company headquartered in Australia and with subsidiaries in three countries, prepare a memo for your CEO arguing either for, or against, imposing a common HR system and processes across all the company’s locations (locations will be advised in Week 1 and are listed in the Assignments section of Canvas).
Talent management and managing performance (including reward) have been identified as two of the most critical HR issues facing international companies today. As the HR leader for a company headquartered in Australia, and operating and providing services in Argentina, China, and thinking to stablish its business in one of the Central and Eastern Europe, prepare a memorandum for your CEO arguing the issues and recommending either for or against imposing a common system for these HR processes in your operations.
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